One quart of Ipe Seal® covers approximately 500 sq. ft. of board end grain, while 16 oz. covers 250 sq. ft. It's highly recommended to protect end grain cuts to avoid checks and splits. However, due to variations in wood species, climatic conditions, and individual application methods, results are not guaranteed.
Do Not Apply To Walking Surface!
The sooner our sealer is applied to exposed end grain (and face grain of turnings and carvings), the more effective the coating will be. Application is recommended to the wood within 24hrs of cutting. Apply with brush strokes from the bottom edge upwards towards the top edge without allowing any product onto the walking surface of the board.
This End Sealer may cause color or shading changes in wood, depending on species, dryness, handling or other natural variables. Test on ends of sample piece(s) and let stand for 24 hours if this possibility is of concern.